AmyAmy is one half of MoxieDori. She is an international marketer / English teacher / etsy artisan. She is the big idea maker and the trend spotter.
Amy would like to think that she is her own boss but alas and alack, she has two small bosses orbiting her most times. She shares the utter scrumptiousness of these two bosses with her oh so fab hubby, who's pretty scrumptious his own self. Amy tripped upon Bullet Journaling as an overwhelmed etsy shop owner and busy mom. She loves a pretty page but has limited natural ability to create one, so the stencils we make really come in handy. She is really happy that this concept resonates with others and humbled by the journaling community's response to what we create at MoxieDori. |
KrisKris is the other half of MoxieDori. She's a designer by trade but her years spent in manufacturing and usability have come in handy when it comes to figuring out the logistics and operations behind what we do.
She's got two babies, though they aren't babies anymore. She shares them with her best friend and husband extraordinaire, thankfully. She's got a small dog that smells bad, a big dog that's far too smart, and a cat that sleeps on her face at night. Kris is uber thankful that Amy brought Bullet Journaling into her life. With her own Traveler's Notebook system, she manages three small businesses and life as she knows it. And every time she designs a stencil that solves someone else's life struggle, she does a dance of joy. |
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